Thursday, February 10, 2005

The New York Times > Science > Letters:

To the Editor: Many years ago, after taking the G.R.E., I discovered that there were two sets of norms for reporting my math scores - as a woman, and as a 'person.' As a woman, my scores were in the high 90th percentile; as a 'person' in the mid-80th percentile. What's the message? That as far as math was concerned, I might be a smart woman, but just an average person. I did not pursue a career in math.

New York

Dear Ms. Roche: Perhaps it's best that you didn't pursue that career in math. It appears your GRE score does not represent your math aptitude. Not to put too fine a point on it, but 80th percentile is not average, 50 is. (Via opionionjournal.)


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