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You've got your Carnival of the Capitalists, you've got your Carnivals of this and that. Why not a Carnival of the Economists? First I check that it does not are already exist; it does not (expect of course there's always this (awesome, by the way)). So that explains why the Mighty Instapundit, Hooverer of all Carnivals, has never given the queen of the social sciences, the imperialist social science, a carnival mention let alone a mere Heh. It, indeed, has no carnival.
No Carnival of the Economists? You can't say that anymore.
In this week's Carnival of the Economists we have
You've got your Carnival of the Capitalists, you've got your Carnivals of this and that. Why not a Carnival of the Economists? First I check that it does not are already exist; it does not (expect of course there's always this (awesome, by the way)). So that explains why the Mighty Instapundit, Hooverer of all Carnivals, has never given the queen of the social sciences, the imperialist social science, a carnival mention let alone a mere Heh. It, indeed, has no carnival.
No Carnival of the Economists? You can't say that anymore.
In this week's Carnival of the Economists we have
- Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek makes a very public confession: he drives a Lexus
- Ian at Truck and Barter reminds us of the debate over whether lighthouses are a public good or not
- Economics with a Face looks at whether FDR foresaw the need for personal accounts
- The Economist En Su Laberinto on Bolivia: RegulaciĆ³n Educativa
- The Skeptical Optimist brings us What was that about a peace dividend?
- EconoLog examines the political economy of Social Security reform
- Becker&Posner suggest abolishing Medicare
- Mahalanobis picks up on the micro credit red herring
- Tyler at Marginal Revolution asks do people have cultural rights?
- Newmark's Door observes you can't make stuff like this up
- the idea shop (where the dismal science gets groovy) pays tribute to Paul Heyne author of the The Economic Way of Thinking
- The Eclectic Econoclast plucks a gem out of the Becker-Posner post above, Posner's answer to the question: what is the difference between liberals and conservatives?
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