Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tenure: benefit-cost analysis of - Becker-Posner Blog

Posner and Becker agree that term limits for judges, and professors is a good idea. Their arguments can be expanded to other instances of tenure as well. Regular readers of the Emirates Economist will know I have in mind the tenure granted to bishops in the Episcopal Church USA.


Blogger TigerHawk said...

My wife and I agree that certain bishops should be stripped of tenure, but we do not agree on which.

7:49 AM  
Blogger John B. Chilton said...

Dear tigerhawk,

My wife and I do agree. It's the incompetent ones.

You point to a difficulty that I elaborated on in my first post on this subject, back in early February. There is an argument for tenure of bishops -- it is their job to take positions that are not necessarily popular.

Bishops these days have been boxed into making decisions that polarize their constituents, like you and your wife.

But there are also bishops whose time in office has revealed they don't have the will or the skill to do a good job. We shouldn't be stuck having to buy them out.

11:08 AM  

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