Thursday, July 27, 2006

"Absences with a 28-day cycle explain a significant fraction of the male-female absenteeism gap."

"This difference disappears for workers age 45 or older. ... higher absenteeism induced by the 28-day cycle explains 11.8 percent of the earnings gender differential."

- From an NBER working paper by Andrea Ichino and Enrico Moretti.


Blogger secretdubai said...

Well I've never taken a day off work/school/whatever due to that in my life.

It's my experience that a minority of people in general take the majority of sick days. In a company of 100 people, I would guess that 70 will take 2-3 sick days a year, 25 willl take up to a week, and 5 will take several weeks or more. And be constantly going home early because of "headaches".

Those with genuine chronic conditions tend to manage their illnesses and plan their medication preventatively, and have work-at-home strategies in place. For every woman that genuinely has to take monthly time off work suffering from endometriosis or some such, there are nine whiny bitches who could quite easily take some codeine and get on with things.

4:45 AM  

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