Sunday, March 20, 2005

Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution coming soon in Arabic -

Tom G Palmer announces:
I’ve gotten back on the job of getting out a bilingual (English and Arabic) edition of the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and should have the material back from the typesetter, copyedited and proofed, by Monday. I’ll be able to take it to Jordan and Iraq for discussions of constitutionalism.
In comment section he adds,
I will have copies of the new Arabic translation of Bastiat's "The Law" and the translation of the Reader's Digest condensed version of "The Road to Serfdom" will be out soon. ("The Law" will also be a basic text for a program on which I'm working for Iraqi women who are involved in politics, including elected officials, party leaders, civic activists, etc., etc.).
Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" is one of the best books of all time. Whether it is acknowledged or not, its ideas have permeated the global democracy movement which began - where shall we date it? - let's say with Thatcher and Reagan. Mr. Hayek is no relation to Salma Hayek.

I read "Road to Serfdom" as an undergraduate, long ago. I'm trying to recollect if it was assigned reading. I don't think it was. But I've never assigned it either. Shame on me.


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