Monday, March 07, 2005

Kansas Christians mobilizing on moral issues - Reuters

"There is an evangelical resurgence in this country and what is happening here in Kansas is symbolic of much of the nation," said First Family senior Pastor Jerry Johnston.

Indeed, a host of conservative Christian causes are moving forward: on April 5, Kansas voters will take up one of the strictest anti-gay marriage amendments in the nation; the state school board is embroiled in arguments between evolution and Biblical beliefs about creation; and fresh battles have begun over book banning and abortion rights.

The farming state in the middle of the American Heartland has long leaned Republican, and routinely backed conservatives on both social and fiscal matters.

But the last year has seen an unprecedented conservative Christian fervor sweep the state, sparked primarily by out-of-state court rulings favoring same-sex marriages. Hundreds of church leaders have been meeting, holding rallies and pounding pulpits to spur followers to political action.

They say their movement was bolstered by the re-election of President Bush, a self-proclaimed born-again Christian.


There is no mention here of foreign policy. On the moral issues mentioned, these Christians are aligned with most peoples of other faiths.

(Also, is there such a thing as a un-self-proclaimed born-again Christian?)



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