Thursday, March 17, 2005

Rush of Voters as Registration Ends - Arab News

QUOTE. When Arab News asked the youngsters why they were there if not interested they said that they came for the fun of it. Others said that they were encouraged by friends and family to go and register, and that left to themselves they had no interest. One of the youths raised an interesting question setting off a lively debate among the staff.
. “Will I be able to ask for a cinema or theater from the municipal staff that we elect?” asked the young man. Many of the voters said that they ought to be allowed to ask for a cinema if it did not contradict with Islamic laws and had no religious restraints. “Why not? We have places for fun fair where you see families, there are coffee shops and restaurants for families too so why can’t we have cinemas that operate under certain criteria?”
. Some staff said they did not think there would be any problem of having such places of entertainment if they operated under certain regulations. Others doubted if the demand would ever be conceded. “I think some religious agency will interfere and shoot down the whole idea.”


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