Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bachelors, SOBs and the Information Economy

It is not uncommon in this country for an expatriot [expatriate, ed.] to work here, while her family remains in their home country. If you earn less than a certain amount per year your family is not given visas. Moreover, many of us who earn more choose to live on the other side of the globe from our spouses. (Summer leaves provide the opportunity to enjoy not so divided attention when we are together.) On campus these types are known as SOBs, "sort of bachelors." Our work visas indicate our marital status.

Evidently someone has access to who is a true bachelor and who is an SOB as the following example illustrates.

A bachelor reports receiving a remarkable phone call at his on-campus flat one evening. The conversation went like this.

(Female Caller) "Hello, my name is ___. Would you like to have a cleaning lady?"
"No, thank you."
"Would you like to have a comfort woman?"
"Who is this?"
"My name is ____."
"How did you get my number?"
"I was given the numbers for all the bachelors on campus."

Was she telling the truth? What would it mean if she was? I report. You decide.

This SOB has received no such call. But, by definition, I'm not a bachelor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - the term is expatriate rather than expatriot.

Also, one study shows that 90% of expatriates who leave spouses at home end up getting divorced. Good luck John and Carolyn!

6:13 AM  

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