Saturday, May 21, 2005

Gallup survey of Arab world for World Economic Forum :: Harold Doan and Associates Ltd.
[Some] issues seem to have significant salience in particular countries. For example, “overcoming the drug problem and drug trafficking” was only mentioned by 1 in 20 around the world and the region generally (5%), but by more than 1 in 6 in Kuwait (15%) and by more than 1 in 10 (11%) in the United Arab Emirates. Improving or maintaining human rights was mentioned by more than 1 in 10 in Egypt (11%), Tunisia (11%) and Turkey (10%) and by 9% in the region as a whole, compared with only 4% of the global total who mention this issue.
Fears about the expansion of the war are at their highest in Saudi Arabia – almost half (46%) are worried about this, but they are also high in Kuwait (31%), Tunisia (35%) and the United Arab Emirates (27%).

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