Sunday, May 08, 2005

Kefaya - Harakamasria

People from Egypt, Lebanon and the Arab world are now demanding true democracy.

Mubarak declared amendment for the constitution to change the way Egyptians Elect their leader, but is it “Kefaya” (enough)? Complete coverage at

"There has to be hope," Abdel Halim Qandil the editor of Al Arabi and a leader of the Kefaya (Enough) movement "because if there isn't, this country will fall into a deeper abyss." Recent protests in Cairo, he said, have been organized with the chant of a new movement -- "Kefaya," Arabic for "enough." Kefaya with an e gives the right sound for the word but saying “kifaya” is like saying “inough” instead of enough.

“Kefaya Mesh Kefaya” means enough is not enough. People from Egypt, Lebanon and the Arab world are now demanding true democracy.

“We want true democracy, we want human rights, we will not accept anything less it is our basic rights that have long been taken away from us and we want it back and we want it now” said Kamal Wassief an activist of the Kefaya movement.

Two websites and are for the Kefaya movements.
Thanks to Dr. C.-F. for the pointer.



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