Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Questions for Mubarak - Gulf News, Opinion

Why does the Mubarak regime continue to resort to these heavy-handed tactics against its peaceful opposition? Here is an attempted answer.

Over nearly a quarter of a century, it has perfected the art of scare politics, at home and abroad. Those in Mubarak's regime argue that if he allowed democratisation to proceed unchecked, with fair and honest elections, Islamists would undoubtedly take over.

None of his Western listeners ever answer this argument with some very pertinent questions: What, Mubarak, have you done to preserve the popularity of non-Islamist forces in the country?

What has your regime done with more than $100 billion (Dh367 billion) in foreign aid and remittances from Egyptians working abroad? Why has Egypt's ranking during your rule steadily worsened on every development index from that of the UN Development Programme to the World Bank to Freedom House? And why does Egypt now rank with Russia, Syria and Nigeria among the most corrupt countries in the world?

Isn't it these dismal failings that feed popular discontent and contribute to the Islamists' growing numbers?

Yes indeed. His Western listeners do need to ask these questions. If not now, when?



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